The Servant Marketer

Episode 12 - Amma Marfo | Creative Bravery

Jenny Petty Season 1 Episode 12
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00:00:00 | 01:01:46

 Amma Marfo is an expert on creativity and the author of “Cultivating Creativity.” Episode 12 with Amma is full of so many great insights into what it takes to bring an idea to fruition – from how to brainstorm, how extroverts and introverts bring ideas forward differently but want the same outcomes, how leaders can advocate and shepherd ideas into reality, and the responsibility all of us have to ask ourselves if any harm can come from what we are attempting to create.

In this episode:

  • Why organizations fear creativity
  • Is it fair to ask people to be creative right now?
  • The ways marketers can serve through their creativity
  • Ideas for brainstorming that works
  • Introverts vs. Extroverts and what they really want
  • How we can foster more creativity in our organizations and the necessary roles to do so